电加热技术即将改变钢的制造方式。 这种技术清洁、精确而且安静。 无论熔炉或温度要求如何,Kanthal 都可以提供电加热解决方案。 选择下面的工艺并详细了解其优势。


电力是世界上增长最快的能源形式。 对于钢和其他高强度金属的生产商来说,从炉内燃气加热向电加热转变可以降低工业过程的能耗并提高可靠性。



通过在步进式炉中使用电加热,钢材制造商可以显着减少钢坯预热所需的能量,并将 CO2 排放量减少到零。 Kanthal 全球产品经理 Sachin Pimpalnerkar 表示,唯一的真正障碍是对电加热能力的误解。


Continuous furnaces

Whether in annealing and galvanizing lines or roller hearth furnaces, electric heating provides a cleaner, more efficient alternative to gas-fired systems. Eliminating open flames, exhaust gases, and combustion residues, reduces emissions, and lowers maintenance and repair costs. With precise temperature control, improved energy efficiency, and greater process stability, electric heating ensures higher product quality, increased operational reliability, and a more sustainable production process.


Ladle preheating

Kanthal's electric heating elements for ladle preheating offer a safer, cleaner, and more efficient alternative to traditional gas methods. Achieve precise temperature control and reduce your carbon footprint with our advanced technology.


Tundish preheating

Electric solutions have never been more in demand – and word of their growing popularity has reached the metallurgy sector. When it comes to tundish preheating, electric heating solutions improve sustainability and energy efficiency, while minimizing material losses and interruptions.
