Learning an integral part of meetings

The Kanthal sales force in India consists of a wide range of experiences. To ensure that knowledge is transferred between the more experienced and the newer team members, learning has been made an integral part of meetings and interactions.

Among the colleagues there are Kanthal employees with 30 plus years within the company, as well as some quite newly joined. To make sure that everyone can benefit from the combined knowledge and best practices, the team has made a dedicated learning effort.

Customer examples - whether they are important, complicated, or simply interesting - are always highlighted in the different meeting forums. Complaints are also discussed to increase understanding and learning.

“The technical part and the customer part are integral elements of our sessions”, explains Mayank Kumar Agarwal, Sales Manager for North India and Gujarat for the Business Unit Heating Systems.

He joined Kanthal five years ago and went through basic training at the sites in Hallstahammar, Perth and Walldorf. One way of adding to his knowledge after that has been through the expertise of the team.

When two new colleagues joined last year, a buddy system was introduced to ease their product introduction. Mayank tailor-made a training for one of them, based on his own learnings and experiences.

“I knew the difficulties coming from a different background”, explains Mayank, who has a degree in mechanical engineering and worked towards other industries before coming to Kanthal.

The knowledge sharing brings many benefits, both to customers and the team.

“The team is not afraid to ask questions, there is always someone who knows the answer. We have a very inclusive atmosphere”, ends Mayank.

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CaptionGirish Pandkar, Praveen Gupta and Mayank Kumar Agarwal from the Indian sales team.